Term 2 2018
This term we have been learning a lot and also having fun I have nearly archived my second goal for this term. My favourite things this term were my teacher being kind and supportive, making new friends, having fun and learning a lot more stuff. My personal goal this year was to manage myself. My maths goal was basic facts and now it is to know that maths goes beyond the classroom. And my literacy goal is to link my learning and prior knowledge. This term I have loved Manai Kalani because it has taught us students and our teacher more about the way that chromebooks work and Whaea Donna has taught us a lot of stuff like how to make a catchy blog title, digital dig, smart footprints and alot more. Here is something that our teacher has for our learning.
We tap on one and it comes up with our contracts or the Manaiakalani stuff. What has been your favourite thing in term 2. ?
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