
Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Mahi Tahi

This week for Mahi Tahi we were given a task to do and it was  sign language to a song called "Paradise". There is a quick video of me and my friends doing sign language to the song

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

😀Mahi Tahi😀

This week for Mahi Tahi we made Bottle cars. These bottle cars had wheels to drive. in our task we included Collaboration, Communication, Creativity and Critical thinking. Our Goal to archive was reach 1 metre. Not many of us reached 1 metre but we all worked well together. There were certain things that we were allowed to use and my group included all of it. Per every group there was 1 bottle car that we had to make. This is my groups design!

Wednesday, 8 May 2019



LITERACY: My goal this term for literacy is to stay on task and get interested in what we are learning about.

MATHS: My goal this term for maths is to get 100 in basic facts.

RE: My goal this term for re is to work more on the writing bit and not the drawing and colouring in.

By Astyn.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

!!Fence Art!!

On the 30.4.19 we had Mahi Tahi which is a task we have to complete every Tuesday and Thursday.
Our task this week was to make hearts on the fence out of wool. Here are some of the ones we did.